() said its international platform was taking shape to support higher organic growth as it said profits advanced by a third in the first half. Later it was revealed that finance chief Nick Keher had snapped up around £35,000 worth of the company’s shares at a price of 893p apiece.
() has confirmed the completion of its acquisition of assets from EdgeMarc Energy Holdings, including twelve Utica gas wells and related facilities.
() said it has received positive air-core drilling results for its Bianouan gold licence in Côte d’Ivoire.
() confirmed it has landed new acreage from the UK government’s 31st supplementary offshore licensing round.
The City Pub Group PLC () has reported an almost 20% rise in profits for its first half as it shifted its focus toward developing its pub estate and improving dividends for investors.
hVIVO PLC () said it is primed for profitability next year. The projection was made alongside interim results that revealed £11mln of costs have been extracted from clinical development services business since 2017.
Renewable power provider Limited () said it achieved its best-ever operating results at its MeyGen tidal power project. Revenue for the first six months of the year increased to £2mln from £1.3mln the year before, with the majority of the revenue coming from MeyGen power sales.
In ’s () half yearly results the company told investors that it continues to expect completion of monetisation efforts for its Eastern Morocco portfolio before the end of 2019.
PLC () has installed 1,000 new cryptocurrency mining machines, taking the total number in production to 6,000.
Pharm2Farm, one of PLC’s () investee companies, has reported good results from a basil-growing trial in Korea.
() expects to receive official confirmation of the grant of licences for its mineral assets in Kenya soon.
Copper explorer PLC () expects proposed upgrades to bridges and roads in Central Kalimantan in Indonesia to take a chunk out of transport costs at its BKM project.
() has received another payment of US$600,000 from the Congolese national oil company.
NetScientific PLC () shares bounced higher on Thursday after its portfolio firm, PDS Biotechnology, announced positive data from a Phase 1 trial of a treatment for human papillomavirus (HPV). The company said its general aim for the second half of its financial year was to realise more value from its investee companies.
() said an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) for its Bougouni lithium project in southern Mali is progressing as planned.
() has agreed to raise US$350,000 of funds through a share sale to partner and major shareholder LLC (H2P).
PLC () will present positive interim data from a Phase 2 trial with its dry powder inhaler formulation of ensifentrine in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at the European Respiratory Society International Congress a week on Sunday. As announced in March, the magnitude of improvement in lung…
Read more:Proactive snapshot: Clinigen Group, hVIVO, Red Rock Resources